Regulations of

Art. 1. Definitions
1.1. Portal – website The owner of the Portal is Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe 'HEMOS' Jolanta Kula with its registered office at ul. Bielska 136, 43-400, Cieszyn, Poland, NIP: 647-173-55-72, REGON: 242 989 673. The name and content of the Portal are protected by law.
1.2. User - a person using the Portal, the Call Center.
1.3. Inquiry - initial inquiry about a product or service via the application form.

Art. 2. General
2.1. The following document sets out the rules constituting the legal basis for using the Portal.
2.2. Each User is obliged to comply with these Regulations upon taking steps to use the Portal.
2.3. The inquiry is information for the employee and does not constitute the conclusion of a contract within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code.
2.4. The information or prices published on the website do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code.

Art. 3. Inquiry
3.1. An initial inquiry can be submitted using the available form in the tab: '/contact'.
3.2. Submitting an initial Inquiry is tantamount to certifying that the Customer is an adult.

© 2012 - 2023 Hemos
Hemos Sp z o.o.
43-400 Cieszyn
ul. Bielska, 136
tel. 696047671
tel. 606313581

NIP : 5482758725
REGON : 528135369