cena od :

620,00 zł per pcs.

Veka PF70

Veka line 70 windows

The windows made by us in the Veka PF70 System are dedicated to customers for whom excellent quality is important and who are looking for functionality. The presented profile has class A, i.e. a minimum thickness of external walls of 2.8 mm and a 5-chamber construction of the frame and sash.

Profile parameters:

- Installation depth 70 mm,
- 5 chambers,
- A system of two external gaskets ensuring very good tightness, sound insulation and thermal insulation. The surfaces of the gaskets are directed with a slope of 15 degrees (identical to the profiles) - they enable excellent drainage of water and dirt.
- The thickness of the external walls of the profile is 3 mm (with a tolerance of 0.2 mm), i.e. a parameter that meets the highest RAL standards - Class A (PN-EN 12608)
- Proven steel reinforcements ensuring excellent statics and long-term preservation of the window function.


When the window is equipped with a two-chamber glazing unit (three panes) with a Ug coefficient of 0.6 W m2/K, which, as a result of connection with the profile itself, allows for the desired result of thermal transmittance of the entire reference window at the level of Uw - 0.95 W m2/K . This parameter characterizes windows that meet current and future building requirements.


- all rollers on the wings mushroom, rotary, self-adjusting KoPiBo
- RU sash - equipped with a finger sash lift in the lower corner, integrated with a blockade of the wrong position of the handle
- RU wings - microventilation
- anti-draft latch in the RU leaf in the U
function - RU sash equipped with stays with support when changing the tilt function into a closed one
filling the lower fitting groove with a gasket.

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